Saturday 22 September 2018

The Sixth Extinction – An Unnatural History (2014)

In ordinary times – by which I mean every single geological epoch minus the present one – species extinction takes place only very rarely.   The “background extinction rate” for mammals (the best-studied group) has historically been approximately 0.25 per million species-years.  Translated that means that since there are about 5,500 mammal species alive today, at the background extinction rate, you would expect one species to disappear every seven hundred years.

That average is, however, distorted by the mass extinction events that have certainly occurred throughout planet earth’s history.  As you may have guessed from the title of Elizabeth Kolbert’s Pulitzer Prize-winning book, we are confident that at least five mass extinction events have previously occurred.  Kolbert, an environmental journalist by trade, defines a mass extinction event as “an event that eliminates a significant proportion of the World’s biota in a geologically insignificant amount of time.”  Spoiler alert: Kolbert has collected some evidence that we may be in the midst of the sixth.

Background and Dinosaurs

Looking back on the scientific understanding of extinction events, it is worth noting that Darwin’s theory evolution has been used to explain both how species originated and how they vanished.  Extinction and evolution were to each other like the two strands of the double helix on which DNA is written.  “The appearance of new forms and the disappearance of old forms” were, Darwin wrote, “bound together.”  Driving both was the “struggle for existence”, which rewarded the fit and eliminated the less so.

The End-Cretaceous (or K-T) extinction event is the most well-known of the five recognised mass extinction events because it is the most recent and, more likely, because it allowed Steven Spielberg to come up with Jurassic Park.  Whilst not as well-known, the other four mass extinction events have been equally if not more devastating.

In addition to the five major mass extinctions, there is evidence to support the notion that there are also much more regular, but less severe extinction events.  A study presented by Kolbert suggests that when mass and lesser extinction events are viewed together, Earth’s history appears to follow a pattern in which an extinction event of some magnitude takes place at regular intervals of roughly 26 million years.

Stepping back again, we can see from the graph below that earth’s biodiversity shows a great expansion in the number and variety of life forms that have come to call this planet home over the last 4.5 billion years. 

(Paleozoic (ancient life), Mesozoic (middle life) and Cenozoic (new life))

When the diversity of life expands, the reciprocal event must be that more species are likely to become extinct, at least according to the Darwinian theory of extinction.  Yet, there is a distinct lack of consensus amongst the scientific community when it comes to the causes of extinction.  One of the most prominent themes in Kolbert’s book is that if 25 years ago it seemed that all mass extinctions would ultimately be traced to the same cause, now the reverse seems true.  Whilst some extinction events are thought to have been caused by glaciation or changes to ocean chemistry, others are can be traced to extraneous causes like asteroid impact, whilst others are a combination of the above.

Take, for example, the extinction of the dinosaurs that occurred approximately 65 million years ago (the K-T).  The most contemporary hypotheses propose that the main cause was not the impact of an asteroid or even the immediate aftermath, but the dust.

It is now thought that an asteroid hit the Yucatan Peninsula at a speed approaching 45,000 miles per hour.  A vast cloud of searing vapour and debris then raced over the continent, expanding as it moved and incinerating anything in its path.  In the process, the asteroid blasted more than 50 times its own mass of pulverised rock into the air.  As the ejecta fell back through the atmosphere, it lit the sky and generated enough heat to, in effect, broil the surface of the planet.  As catastrophic as this event must have been, it would not have been enough to kill all the dinosaurs.  Instead, owing to the composition of the Yucatan Peninsula, the dust thrown up was rich in sulphur which then formed sulphate aerosols that blocked the sun and caused a multi-season “impact winter” which slowly killed off the remaining dinosaurs and precipitated a several million year period in which almost all marine and forest ecosystems completely collapsed.


If the causes of previous extinction events are still being debated, Kolbert is much more confident regarding the current predicament.

What is sometimes labelled neo-catastrophism, but is mostly nowadays just regarded as standard geology, holds that conditions on earth change only very slowly, except when they don’t.  In this sense the reigning paradigm of life on earth can be summarised as “long periods of boredom interrupted occasionally by panic”.  Though rare, these moments of global panic are disproportionately important.  They determine the pattern of extinction, which is to say, the pattern of life.

The present moment of panic aligns in geology with the Anthropocene epoch.  As detailed in Paul Crutzen’s essay, “Geology of Mankind”, the term “Anthropocene” means the human-dominated geological age.  Among the most radical geological changes that have occurred in the Anthropocene are:
  • Human activity has transformed between a third and a half of the land surface of the planet;
  • Most of the world’s major rivers have been dammed or diverted;
  • Fertilizer factories produce more nitrogen than is fixed naturally by all terrestrial ecosystems (the process by which nitrogen in the atmosphere is converted into ammonia for living organisms);
  • Fisheries have removed more than a third of the primary production of the oceans’ coastal waters; and
  • Humans use more than half of the world’s readily accessible fresh water runoff.

Currently, about 50 million square miles of land on the planet is ice-free, and this is the baseline that’s generally used for calculating human impact.  According to a recent study published by the Geological Society of America, people have “directly transformed” more than half of this land – roughly 27 million square miles – mostly by converting it to cropland and pasture, but also by building cities, shopping malls and reservoirs, and by logging, mining and quarrying.  Of the remaining 23 million square miles, about three-fifths is covered by forest and the rest is either high mountains, tundra or desert.

Consequently, since humans first emerged approximately 200,000 years ago, ecosystems around the world have changed remarkably quickly (at least in geological terms).   But why should such a change be issue?  As Darwin would posit, the strongest will surely adapt.

The primary issuing is one of extremely accelerated mixing of species.   For millions of years, species moved only as fast as their legs or wings could carry them.  The process of mixing the world’s flora and fauna was thus a slow and gradual one.  However, as early human migration began to establish new routes and methods, the game has changed completely.  In recent decades, the accelerated mixing of flora and fauna via human intervention has reached the point where, in some parts of the world, non-native plants now outnumber native ones.  In fact, during any given 24-hour period, it is estimated that 10,000 different species are being moved around the world just in ballast water.  Thus a single supertanker (or, for that matter, a jet passenger) can undo millions of years of geographic separation.

From the standpoint of the world’s biota, global travel and commerce represent a radical new variable.  Around 200 million years ago, the entire planet’s biota lived on the supercontinent of Pangea.  Whilst there was no water to physically prevent the mixing of species, they did so slowly.  Over millions of years the continental plates drifted apart and segregated many species, allowing them to develop their own niches and to thrive.  Now, in the geological blink of an eye, we are seeing all the continents’ species being mixed back together at incredible speed.

Kolbert presents several lines of evidence that argue in favour humans being the cause of accelerated patterns of species extinction around the world.  The most compelling of these is timing.  The megafauna extinction that began at the end of the last ice age, and which caused the world to lose its population of 14 foot mammoths and mastadons, and rodents that weighed up to 700 kgs, did not take place all at once.  Rather, it occurred in pulses.  The first pulse, about 40,000 years ago, took out Australia’s giants.  A second pulse hit North and South America around 25,000 years later.  Madagascar’s giant lemurs, pygmy hippos and elephant birds survived all way into the Middle Ages.  New Zealand’s moas (12 foot tall flightless birds) made it as far as the Renaissance.  It’s hard to see how such a sequence could be squared with a single climate change event.  Instead, the sequence of the pulses and the sequence of human settlement line up almost exactly.

The Anthropocene is usually said to have begun with the industrial revolution, or perhaps even later, with the explosive growth in population that followed WWII.  By this account, it’s with the introduction of modern technologies – turbines, railroads, chainsaws – that humans became a world-altering force.  But the megafauna extinction suggests that we should view the Anthropocene as an age that began more like 40,000 years ago at a much more primitive stage in human history. 

Evidently, we humans have not needed to be technologically advanced in order to cause large extinction events.  Before humans emerged on the scene, being large and slow to reproduce was a highly successful strategy, and outsized creatures dominated the planet.  Then, in what amounts to a geological instant, this strategy became a loser’s game.  And so it remains today, which is why elephants, bears and big cats are in so much trouble.  Though it might be nice to imagine there once was a time in which man lived in harmony with nature, it’s not clear that he ever really did.

Forests and Trees

In the popular imagination, climate change is mostly seen as a threat to cold-loving species.  But climate change is going to have just as great an impact in the tropics.  The reasons for this are complicated, but they start with the fact that the tropics are where most species actually live.

This simple observation is more scientifically referred to as the Latitudinal Diversity Gradient (the LDG, as discovered by Alexander von Humboldt in the early 1800s):  the general rule that the variety of life is most impoverished at the poles and richest at low latitudes.

At the equator, around Columbia, Venezuela, Peru and Brazil there are approximately 1,035 tree species; roughly five times as many as in all of Canada’s boreal forest.  And what holds for trees also holds for birds and butterflies and frogs and fungi.   

Kolbert connects the disparate ideas of the Anthropocene, climate change and the LDG when visiting a researcher by the name of Miles Silman in South America.  Silman has been studying in the Peruvian Amazon for the past two decades where he has recorded the different species of trees and their size within 17 two and a half acre plots arranged along a ridge running from the Amazon basin to the top of the Andes.  Astoundingly, he has found that climate change is driving the average tree genus up the mountain (to cooler temperatures) at a rate of eight feet per year (of course, trees can’t actually move, but they do the next best thing which is to disperse seeds uphill for the next generation).

Silman’s research is like a time capsule that reveals there is slow-motion race taking place between species of trees in the Amazon.  Trees are moving faster than ever previously recorded up the mountainside.  However, many more are learning they are not as fast or strong as their neighbours or that they will be thwarted by human intervention.

That is because one of the defining features of the Anthropocene is that we are segregating and chopping up the land in which the world’s species live by creating barriers – roads, clear-cuts, cities – that prevent species from rehousing themselves after this eviction.  A species that needs to migrate to keep up with rising temperatures has a hard enough time as it is, but the problem is exacerbated when you realise that so many species are racing towards a cliff edge.

The Sea

This problem is clearly not contained to land-faring species either.  Humans are both altering the chemistry of the sea and slicing up the environments in which sea creatures can live.
Sea chemistry is being altered by the excess CO2 we emit.  Roughly one-third of the CO2 that humans have so far pumped into the air has been absorbed by the oceans.  This comes to a stunning 150 billion tons in less than 100 years (to find CO2 levels higher than today’s requires going back to the mid-Miocene, 15 million years ago).  As with most aspects of the Anthropocene, it is not only the scale of the transfer that is significant, but the speed.

As a result of this absorption of CO2, the ocean is becoming more acidic and, according to research, ocean acidification played a major role in at least two of the Big Five extinctions (the End-Permian and the End-Triassic) and quite possibly a third (the End-Cretaceous).

But why is ocean acidification so dangerous to species?  Depending on how tightly organisms are able to regulate their internal chemistry, acidification may affect such basic processes as metabolism, enzyme activity and protein function.  Because it will change the makeup of microbial communities, ocean acidification will alter the availability of key nutrients, like iron and nitrogen.  For similar reasons, it will change the amount of light that passes through the water and it will alter the way sound propagates.  It will impact photosynthesis and alter the compounds formed by dissolved metals, often in ways that will be poisonous.

The species most vulnerable to these changes is the coral reef.  A recent study by a team of Australian researchers found that coral cover in the Great Barrier Reef has declined by 50 per cent in just the last 30 years.

Add to this change in chemistry, human-created changes to the physical landscape of the sea and it becomes obvious why sea creatures are going extinct at such an alarming rate.  The roster of perils includes: overfishing, which promotes the growth of algae that compete with corals; agricultural runoff, which also encourages algae growth; deforestation, which leads to siltation and reduces water clarity; and dynamite fishing, whose destructive potential would seem to be self-explanatory.  If you thought that the ocean would be safe from human intervention, the data suggests otherwise.


Whilst Kolbert takes a fairly broad brush approach in describing the plight of most species in the forests and in the seas, the point is driven home by the specific example of amphibians.

Amphibians emerged at the time of the supercontinent, Pangea.  Since the breakup of Pangea, they’ve adapted to conditions on every continent except Antarctica.

Yet, within the last two decades, a micro-organism (a fungus from the chrytids family called Batrachochytrium Dendrobatidis or Bd for short) has been found to be living on amphibians’ skin and killing them off at an incredible rate.  Bd interferes with amphibians’ ability to take up critical electrolytes through their skin.  This causes them to suffer what is, in effect, a heart attack.

Worringly, Bd is everywhere and appears to be unstoppable at present.  Its origin is presently unknown.  The plight of amphibians is such that, as a result of the spread of Bd, there is a group called EVACC (El Valle Amphibian Conservation Centre) operating in Costa Rica and Panama to attempt to capture a male and a female of every species of amphibian (like an Amphibian Noah’s Ark).

One theory as to how Bd is moving is that it has been moved around the globe with shipments of African clawed frogs, which were used in the nineteen fifties and sixties in pregnancy tests.

A second theory is that the fungus was spread on North American bullfrogs which are often exported for human consumption.

Either way, the etiology is the same: human activity.  Without being loaded by someone onto a boat or a plane, it would have been impossible for a frog carrying Bd to get from Africa to Australia or from North America to Europe.

Consequently, amphibians now enjoy the dubious distinction of being the World’s most endangered class of animals; it has been calculated that the group’s current extinction rate could be as much as 45,000 times higher than the background rate. 


Beyond amphibians, Kolbert presents data to suggest that the extinction rates around many other groups are approaching similar levels.  It is established that one-third of all reef-building corals, a third of all freshwater mollusks, a third of sharks and rays, a quarter of all mammals, a fifth of all reptiles and a sixth of all birds are headed toward oblivion.

Ultimately though, Kolbert falls on her own sword.  By Kolbert’s own admission, this is not the sixth mass extinction event that the title of the book would suggest.  Climate change alone is unlikely to generate a mass extinction as large as one of the Big Five.  However, there is a high likelihood that climate change on its own could generate a level of extinction on par with or exceeding the slightly “lesser” extinction events of the past and be the end of so many precious species across the world.

Cause for alarm is heightened when you consider how human behaviour could add to the rising extinction rates caused by climate change.  The primary human sin in this regard is the accelerated speed at which we are constantly transporting non-native species to new environments.

Kolbert argues that, as soon as humans started using signs and symbols to represent the natural world, they pushed beyond the limits of this world.  So if you want to think about why humans are so dangerous to other species, you can picture a poacher in Africa carrying an AK-47 or a logger in the Amazon gripping an axe, but better still, you can picture yourself, holding a pen.  For Kolbert’s conclusion is somewhat paralysing: extinction is inevitable for every species, but humans are a quite unique species in that our mastery of our minds and the world around us may ultimately lead us to live on a very lonely planet.